ROF -BPR series of balanced light detection module (balanced photodetector)integrates two matching photodiode and an ultra-low noise transimpedance amplifier, effectively reducing the laser noise and common mode noise, improving the system's noise ratio, having a variety of spectral response optional , Low noise, high gain, easy to use and so on, Mainly being used for spectroscopy, heterodyne detection, optical ການວັດແທກຄວາມລ່າຊ້າ, ການເຮັດໃຫ້ເກີດຄວາມສົນໃຈແບບ optical ແລະທົ່ງນາອື່ນໆ.
ROF ModiCator Optical 1064nm LOW API Phase Modjase Modulator Electro Electro Electic Modulator
-PM-UV ໃນໄລຍະທີ່ຕ່ໍາ - ໄລຍະຕ່ໍາ(2V)
rof electro optical opultical WAOLLATEGED 1064NM ALTENSITY MODULATOR 10GHz
ROF-AM 1064NM Lithuate Niobateໂມດູນຄວາມຮຸນແຮງດ້ານຄວາມຮຸນແຮງ